I know, I know, I know! In the vast universe of blogs, why another one? The answer is simple really. Since I don’t know when my time on this earth may be over, I want to begin building a repository from my life experience that may 1) help others to live life and 2) leave a legacy behind for those who follow me.
You may be thinking, “That’s a little dark isn’t it to think about your own death?” Not really. Personally, I have had family members and friends all die (some unexpectedly) before the age of sixty. My own son, David Nathaniel, was one of them. Death may come at any time. But, this is about more than death. The fact of the matter is tomorrow, I could be left in a vegetable state. If that were to happen, I would have wasted the opportunity that God has given me to help others.
What Are The Plans?
This is a work in progress. However, the the tag line say it all in terms of the goal. My goal with this blog is to help you walk your path of life successfully for the glory of God. I will not use space here to unpack. I will save that for an upcoming blog. However, at face value, I do want you to know that the tag line does not mean that I am perfect nor do I have it all figured out.
So, my goal is to use this website to blog life lessons from my own experience (both positive and negative), post Biblical meditations and devotions, maybe host on-line events such as webinars, and possibly begin a podcast.
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