Your Path of Life

We could argue that every person’s path of life is different. I agree with a limited understanding. What do I mean by a limited understanding? Some will walk the path of singleness while others walk the path of marriage. Some will walk the path of childlessness, others will walk the path of parenting. Some will walk the path of addiction, others will not know what it means to be addicted. Some will walk the path of health, while others will have a lifelong illnesses.

Two Paths of Life

I submit that in reality, there are only two paths of life. Psalm 1 defines these paths for us. You can read the Psalm 1 devotional here. This Psalm introduces the blessed person. The blessed person is contrasted with the cursed person. In doing so, the paths that each walks are described. So, you have a path of blessing and a path of cursing. I submit that the different paths I mentioned above are only incidental. So, you should be asking, “Which path am I walking?”

You see, a blessed and righteous person can encounter sickness. But, that sickness does not necessarily define the main path. A cursed person could encounter financial prosperity. But, that prosperity does not necessarily define the main path. This is why we must view the individual occurrences of life as incidental. They do not define the main path you are on. But, how you handle the different circumstances of life will in some measure show the path that you are walking.

How Do You Define The Path?

According to Psalm 1 the path of the blessed person is defined from two angles. The negative and the positive. On the negative side, the blessed person does not listen to the counsel of the wicked, does not live like a sinner, nor does he scoff. Rather, he delights himself in the law of the Lord. In other words, the blessed person is one who meditates upon the Word of God. His life is consumed with the Word of God.
In contrast, the life of the cursed person is the opposite. The wicked do not care about the Word of God. He does not meditate upon it and give his life to it. His life is consumed with selfishness and pride.

So, how do you define the path? It would be very easy for us to define it solely based on the actions described. But, may I submit to you that there is only one person who ever completely fulfilled the position of the blessed person. He is Jesus Christ. Thus, to define the path of life you are on it is defined by Jesus Christ. If you have repented of your sin and trusted Him with your life, then you are on the path of blessing. If you have not, you are on the path of cursing.

Which path are you on?


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