Why Authentic?

The walk is a metaphor used throughout the Scriptures for how you live life. This post is the first of two posts in which I will focus on why I chose “The Authentic Walk” as the title for this blog. This post focuses on the word “authentic”. The second post, will focus on the “walk.”


One of the definitions given by the Merriam-Webter dictionary is “conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features.” For followers of Jesus Christ, He is the one to which we are to conform our lives (Romans 8:29).

Persistent Not Perfect

By “Authentic” I do not mean to imply that we can reach a state of perfection. Jesus Christ is the one to which we are to conform our lives and He was perfect. But, in this life, we still wrestle with sin (Romans 7:15-20). We will not be perfect until the day in which we enter the presence of our Lord for eternity.

Progress Not Passe’

What do I mean by “progress not passe’?” Passe’ means “past one’s prime.” As we follow Jesus Christ, there should never be a time in which we are past our prime. Why? We will always be in our prime if we are persistently progressing toward Christ-likeness. There will be nothing about our lives that is passe’.

As we follow Jesus Christ, there should never be a time in which we are past our prime. Click To Tweet

Purpose Not Pointless

An important question that everyone struggles with is “Why in the World am I here?” It is a question of purpose. You cannot be authentic without understanding your purpose. True purpose in this life is only found in Jesus Christ. You will understand and pursue your purpose in this life when you are an authentic follower of Jesus Christ, . You will not live a pointless life.

Plod Along Not Putter Around

Of course there is overlap in all these characteristics of being authentic. By plodding along, I mean to say that life will be a struggle. Yet, plodding along means that you understand your purpose, you are persistent in the pursuit, and you are making progress toward Christ-likeness.

Plodding along means that you understand your purpose, you are persistent in the pursuit, and you are making progress toward Christ-likeness. Click To Tweet

Let’s Talk About It

Leave me a comment below.

  1. Which of these characteristics do you struggle with the most?
  2. What would you add to the list as a characteristic of being authentic.
  3. Why is it important that we be authentic?

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